Monday, November 24, 2008

Tomorrow is Tuesday. We are bound to be doing something festive, so make sure you're in school!

Thanksgiving facts:
At the time of the first Thanksgiving, the pilgrims would have eaten eel, and not turkey.

Turkeys are one of the smartest species of birds.

When I was your age, we only got Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving... so consider yourselves lucky!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Algebra 1: Test Friday.

Algebra II: Quiz Friday on anything we've done with lines.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Algebra 1: The last page of the packet - front and back.

Hon Algebra 2: Page 129 8-16 ALL. It's only evens if you're going to be here tomorrow.

Monday, November 17, 2008

To the weekend-homework-inept

"REDO!" - Cosmo and Wanda

Algebra 1: Do your weekend homework (posted below) and show me tomorrow. I will be collecting "dum dums and hand hands" as well.

Algebra 2: P. 121 2-30 E.O.E (every other even)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Weekend Homework?!!!1!!

Algebra 1: The second set of "line of best fit on the calculator" set. Starts with the same a,b,c, and d as the first page, and then has the stuff about baltimore. Do both pages. It's not as much work as you think it is!

Slope always means the rate of change. _____ per ______.
Y - intercept is always the initial! so, starting cost, or something like that.

Algebra II: Page 121 2 - 38 Every Other Even

If you have made anything up for me (tests/quizzes), it's graded and you can come pick it up!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Algebra I: No homework tonight!

Algebra II: page 116 1 - 36, the first and last in each section (#1, 12, 13, 24, 25, 36)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Algebra 1:
Do the back page of the new packet: "What happened when two fruit companies merged?"

Algebra 2: No homework tonight. We'll continue graphing lines tomorrow, and probably review the easier, faster ways to graph them.

Hope you like the random webcams I posted over there --->

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Algebra 1 HW:
Two pages from the packet we got today: "Double Doggy Dare" and "Write the equation of each line" (It has 9 graphs on it.)

The idea for both of them is finding b by plugging the slope and a point into y=mx+b, and then finding the equation.

Don't forget to schedule a retake/make-up time for your test!

Honors Algebra 2 HW:
Page 104: 2 - 24 Even.

Awesome quote:
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” - Dr. Suess

Friday, November 7, 2008


Enjoy your 3 day weekend!

Algebra 1: I'm grading the tests, and they are looking SO much better! A lot of you will be pleased to see your dilligence paid off!

Hon Algebra 2: If you need extra time, we'll take the first 10 minutes on Monday to finish the quiz. After that, what you have is what you have.

Random strange fact for your brain to chew on: The human sense of smell works when particles of the smelt object enter the nasal cavity. This means that if you smell flowers, a tiny tiny particle from that flower went in your nose. If you smell a cheeseburger, a tiny tiny particle from that cheeseburger went up your nose. This can get pretty gross if you think about it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hon Alg 2

There will be a quiz tomorrow on solving polynomial inequalities. For those of you that visited last time and couldn't comment, I've enabled comments for non-members.

It's 5 questions and 40 points (you can do the math). Shouldn't be hard. I'm not trying to trick anyone with these questions that are pretty much all straight from the homeworks.

No homework tonight.

Alg 1

Don't forget the test tomorrow! If you have questions, I've enabled comments for non-members.

I am collecting the stations tomorrow. Make sure they're finished!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hon Alg 2 HW Wed 11/05/2008

Pg 204: 9 - 14 all. Leave a comment if you visited!

~Mr. Canfield

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hon Alg 2

Don't forget to schedule a time with me to retake the quiz if you need to!

Alg 1

The re-test is this Friday. Make sure you're ready for it!
Success after a fall is still success!

It's finally here!

Hey kids! Here's the plan: I will post homework etc. on here so you have a way to access it from anywhere in the world!!