Friday, November 7, 2008


Enjoy your 3 day weekend!

Algebra 1: I'm grading the tests, and they are looking SO much better! A lot of you will be pleased to see your dilligence paid off!

Hon Algebra 2: If you need extra time, we'll take the first 10 minutes on Monday to finish the quiz. After that, what you have is what you have.

Random strange fact for your brain to chew on: The human sense of smell works when particles of the smelt object enter the nasal cavity. This means that if you smell flowers, a tiny tiny particle from that flower went in your nose. If you smell a cheeseburger, a tiny tiny particle from that cheeseburger went up your nose. This can get pretty gross if you think about it.


Anonymous said...

First comment! WOOT! Oh and thanx for that perfect visual of the smelling thing. Now when I have that old guy smell hanging i know that a tiny tiny particle of him goes through my nose. I have goose bumps thinking about it! Then that dead person smell! HOLY CRAP MAN! Anyway try to find out who i am! give u a hint though im in first period

Anonymous said...

Im the same person here to give u another hint. I once said "I hate everything" and whats with u people not posting comments! Mr Canfield show all the comments u get for the whole class can see K.
And another thing the time for the last one 1:44 PM is complety wrong it was like 4:40 PM and right now as im typing this its 4:49! FEAR ME!(hint hint)

Anonymous said...

Spider pig, Spider pig, does whatever a spider pig does.Swing a web no he cant just because he is a pig! Lookoooooooooooooouuuuuuuuutttttttttt here comes the spider pig, lookooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttttt here comes a spider-piggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I crazy dude show comments to all ur classes make it a grade or somthing like that! Woot! Toot!

Anonymous said...

The anonymous guy who said "?" was me again making sure u dont think that any of ur other class/stundents aresaying something